EMS Suit | Can It Truly Build Strong Abs?

Does EMS Suit really build Abs?

Are you curious about the effectiveness of EMS training in building abs? You are not alone. This question is one of the most common inquiries associated with the technology. You have come to the right place to find out precisely what EMS can do for your abs.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) builds abdominal strength by giving you an intense workout that precisely targets your abdominal muscles. The electrical impulses engage ninety percent of the muscle fibers in the abdomen, delivering intense training with a low risk of injury.

There are three different options that you can use to incorporate EMS into your training routine and work those abs. The three include:

⦁ A wireless EMS suit

A wireless EMS suit is a fully wireless, battery-powered suit that allows you to get a full-body workout.

⦁ EMS machines

EMS machines are typically located at fitness centers. You receive your training under the direction of a personal trainer who understands EMS technology.

⦁ Portable EMS devices

These are small devices with one or two electrodes that allow you to concentrate on a specific muscle group at a time.

To understand how EMS technology strengthens the abs, we must understand what muscles we consider the abs.

What are your Abs?

Your abdominal muscles are a group of strong bands of muscles lining the walls of your abdomen. The abdominal muscles are located toward the front of your body between your ribs and pelvic. There are four main abdominal muscles.

Abdominal Muscles Where are they located Function

Rectus abdominis A pair of muscles that goes down in the middle of your abdomen from the ribs to the pelvic. The “six-pack” muscles Hold internal organs in place and keep the body stable during movement.

External obliques A pair of muscles, one on each side of the rectus abdominis. They run from the side of the body towards the middle. Allow the trunk to twist from side to side.

Internal obliques A pair of muscles on top of the external obliques. They also run from the side of your trunk towards the middle. Allow the trunk to turn and twist.

Transversus abdominis Located at the bottom of the stack and the deepest of the abdominal muscles. They provide stability to the trunk and help maintain abdominal pressure.

How does EMS Training build Abs?

EMS training builds abs by providing a more intense workout with a reduced risk of injury than a traditional workout at the gym.

Here are three main ways EMS is more beneficial than traditional workouts in respect to abs building;

⦁ A more intense workout

⦁ Better targeting of the abdominal muscles

⦁ Reduced risk of injury

A More Intense Workout

While it is still inconclusive whether using EMS on its own is more effective than traditional exercises, extensive research indicates that electrical impulses from the suit target up to ninety percent of your muscles fibers. Therefore, it is deductive performing traditional exercises in conjunction with a 20-minute EMS session will yield double the benefits and enable you to get the abs you have always craved.

Indeed, since EMS training activates a more significant number of deeper muscle fibers, you are burning more calories. Both traditional exercises and the impulses from the EMS suit are contracting your muscles, yielding double the benefits.

Better Targeting of the Abdominal Muscles

When working out at the gym or at home, it is easy to fail to get the maximum benefits of a workout due to bad form or doing an exercise too quickly. People often fall into the allure of doing exercises too quickly to reach their target before getting tired, not realizing fewer higher quality exercises are more beneficial. Additionally, when you do an exercise in bad form or too quickly, you fail to get the benefits and risk injury.

Training with EMS allows you to control the exercise’s intensity, frequency, and duration to get the maximum benefits from your workout. If the impulses seem too easy and you feel like your abdominal muscles are not being challenged enough, all you have to do is increase the intensity at a mere touch of a button on the app.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Bad form during exercises is associated with an increased risk of injuring yourself. An injury can be very detrimental not only to your fitness journey but also to your social and professional life. Performing simple exercises such as crunches and planks incorrectly can result in lower back pain that adversely affects your life. EMS training reduces the risk of injuries.

Which Abs Exercises should you do?

There is a multitude of abs exercises that you can do to get that “six-pack.” Here are a few exercises to get you started.

The best way to get those popping abs is to engage in activities that work both the top and bottom sections. You might have heard the reference of upper and lower abs. While there are no upper and lower abdominal muscles since they are both parts of the rectus abdominis, it is possible to isolate the upper and lower sections of the rectus abdominis with different exercises.

Crunch variations, woodchoppers, and medicine ball slams for the upper sections of your abs will do excellently. For the lower part, reverse crunches, mountain climbers, and leg lifts are great ways to get started. You can also try dead bugs, jackknives, and ab-wheel rollouts for a general abs workout.

Remember, you will be engaging in these exercises in addition to electrical impulses from the EMS suit, so you should expect to feel a little sore and should be careful not to overdo it but instead focus on building tolerance over time.

In addition to traditional workouts and training with the EMS suit, you should eat a well-balanced meal. Nutrition is a big part of getting fit and you should put some thought into what you are eating to ensure you are getting the right nutrients to get the best results from the EMS suit.

Concluding Thoughts

EMS is not the magic solution to give you rock-hard abs overnight. However, EMS training will provide you with an intense workout that engages most of your abdomen’s muscle fibers. Therefore, when the technology is used in conjunction with traditional exercises, you will get the results you want. Moreover, the EMS suit allows you to work those abs anytime and anywhere, making it easier to get those abs.

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