Brute Suits LLC



The electronic muscle stimulator claims to help you gain muscle tone without doing anything at all. This is because muscles require stimuli to become active. In normal circumstances, they are activated by the central nervous system and then sent to the muscles via the spinal cord and nerve fibers. EMS Training is a type of electronic muscle stimulation that uses a stimulation current. The stimulation current creates stress in all muscles and provides far more effective outcomes than traditional weight training, or so they all claim. 


It initiates smart work in the form of activities. Users only need to wear wireless shirts and pants, which both have 16 electrodes to maximize the body’s operating ability. Moreover, the technology allows users to get everything done with the accessibility of exclusive features like Strength, Endurance, and Recovery.


Warming up is crucial when training in an EMS suit. The electrode pads will be able to make a strong connection with the muscles if your skin is damp. Additionally, you must warm up your muscles so that they are ready to be engaged and receive the most impact from the electrical impulses. As with any exercise it is recommended that you should begin by warming up with some simple cardio motions, perhaps until you break a mild sweat.


EMS suits are power-driven by a battery pack that is magnetically connected to the suit, with other variables such as workout time, intensity, and the length of muscle contractions being accessibly managed through the EMX MAX app on your phone. The Bruteuits EMS has four modes. Each mode has four sub-modes, each of which targets a different group of muscles at a different intensity.


Wearing a wireless EMS suit gives you complete fitness freedom to train anywhere and at any time. You have complete control over your workout when you wear an EMS suit. Simply step into the suit with the zipper facing the back and unzip it. Zip up the suit and use the magnetic clasp to secure the zip cable. The suit should be well-fitting and all electrodes should be securely attached to the skin.


The electrodes in an EMS suit are already aligned with your major muscle groups, allowing for exact targeting of the muscles. The S-Body has a total of 20 electrodes, 10 outputs, and two symmetrical electrodes for each route that compose a loop.

Warming up is crucial when training in an EMS suit. The electrode pads will be able to make a strong connection with the muscles if your skin is damp. Additionally, you must warm up your muscles so that they are ready to be engaged and receive the most impact from the electrical impulses. As with any exercise it is recommended that you should begin by warming up with some simple cardio motions, perhaps until you break a mild sweat.
Now you’re ready to start exercising with your EMS that you are warmed up and have the app set up, let’s begin training with your EMS suit
For beginner’s EMS users, it is recommended not to train too much with too high an intensity. Firstly, it is essential to take a look of how EMS works. Gradually raise the intensity until you reach a higher level. You can easily and quickly adjust the intensity of the workout with an EMS suit from Brutesuits, which is just one of the many ways an EMS suit may improve your performance.
You can start changing the muscle contraction time to achieve your training goal once you’ve become more familiar with EMS and confident in its use.
If the intensity of the impulse is low or you don’t feel it at all, please consider the following points:
  • Check the intensity levels; sensitivity varies from person to person, but most people won’t feel much below 20%.
  • Warm up your body to get a little sweat going.
If you get a significant tingling feeling or pain please consider the following points:
  • Check for an open wound or skin irritation and reduce the frequency to zero percent in the appropriate part.
If you’re feeling uneasy or ill, do the following:
  • Take a break from wearing your suit and wait until you’re rested before putting it on again.
  • Limit each exercise session to 20 minutes and take a break in between.
  • Get to be aware of the precautions.