EMS Training: EMS suits for Enhanced Walking


Most fitness methods help people burn fat and build endurance. Individuals with very busy schedules can consider walking as their fitness tool since is inexpensive and a daily method. This method is important because it helps promote overall health and develop endurance. Besides, history reveals that we were meant to walk. Previously, we walked around to hunt and gather for food. Currently, people walk less because of the various technological advancements and their busy work schedules. This less movement coupled with the food we eat results in serious health issues. Combining EMS training with walking is the ultimate workout routine.

Benefits of incorporating EMS Training into your Walking Routine

Did you know that incorporating EMS training into your normal walking routine is more beneficial and reduces health issues associated with our current lifestyles? Walking is a simple activity that can be done anytime you want throughout the day regardless of the place. Furthermore, unlike other exercise methods, you don’t need any special equipment to walk. Walking alone for about 40 minutes daily helps reduce fats. As such, walking with an EMS suit makes one lose this unnecessary fat faster.

Although walking is non-vigorous activity, combining walking with EMS suit recruits more muscle fibers, increasing the intensity of the training session. EMS stimulator gives muscles the tension they require, stimulating both type 1 and 2 muscle fibers. Moreover, it makes muscles burn energy, while creating tension. Walking alone cannot deliver this benefit. Incorporating an EMS suit increases muscle growth and endurance. Walking with Brutesuits EMS suits also ensures active participation in an EMS workout session, resulting in maximum health benefits.

Moreover, since walking is less intense, it has no adverse effects on muscles and joints. This is good news because everybody can perform it, including those recovering from illnesses and injuries. It is also suitable for individuals who have never stepped in the gym.

Walking with Brutesuits’ EMS Suits

 So, what is stopping you from getting Brutesuits’ YD Strong, SBODY MD, and MBODY EMS training suits? Walking in this EMS workout suit transforms that simple walk into an intensive but safe interval training.

We recommend that you start by doing a quick walk for about 5 min when walking with the EMS suit. This first step of warming up is crucial because it helps increase the heart rate. In the next step, you should focus on interval training for 20 minutes. Divide this 20 min into two. Perform 60 seconds fast pace walking followed by another 60 seconds easy walking in that interval for the first 10 minutes. In the remaining 10 minutes, perform 40 seconds fast pace walking followed by 20 seconds easy walking. Then you conclude your training with a brisk walk for five minutes.


Do muscle stimulators work? They do, because they make exercise more enjoyable. Waking with the EMS suit on will motivate you because it saves time and you can get results faster. Walking alone requires at least 1 hour to get the expected results. However, you only need 20 minutes when you combine it with EMS workouts. If you are thinking about changing your lifestyle then you should start walking. It is a fun-way to start living an active life. You only need to improve the benefits of walking by incorporating EMS training. The best muscle stimulator is our EMS suits because they are easy to use, very affordable, and fits perfectly you would think it is a second skin. So, get it now and we will be here to help kick-start your journey.

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