How Many Calories Does EMS Burn | Discover Now!

How many Calories does EMS burn? Find out now!

In order to lose weight, burning calories is the most important yet difficult part. Do you know a person on average consumes 2500 to 3000 calories per day? The excessive calories then turn into fat and make a person obese. But the main issue is not consumption of calories. It’s actually burning them. Many people tend to starve themselves in order to get rid of them and some spend hours and hours in gyms just to get the fat out of their system. This not only costs money and time but effort too.  These days, when the life is too fast; it is quite difficult to take time to take care of your personal health. But now we have a perfect solution for it.

Burning calories through BruteSuits:

Brute-suits is introducing a SBODY EMS SUIT 20 with electrical muscle stimulators that are specialized to burn the stubborn calories through impulses. It helps to burn more calories faster as compared to the conventional workout. Brute-suits are designed to activate the muscle groups which have stored amounts of fats and in turn helps you burn more calories in a very small time period.

How many calories does it burn per session?

A normal session of around 20 minutes can help you burn around 500 calories. How amazing is that? Not only this, with regular use, the body starts burning calories much faster even after the workout. This happens because the muscle groups are stimulated which help them to burn more calories even if you’re only walking.

How effective is it from conventional workout?

Well, a conventional workout tends to burn around 30 percent of the calories but brute-suits are designed to burn around 70 to 80 percent of calories in the areas as stubborn and abdomen, glutes, arms and even back. When the muscles tissues are more active they require more energy intake which therefore burns more calories, even at rest!

Is burning calories through Brute-suits worth it?

Of course! Burning calories through EMS Suit will not only get you in shape but also it will help you stimulate your muscle growth leaving your body charming and very active. Besides it, it helps you in waist reduction, and increase of muscle in your arms, chest and back. Brute-suits with EMS in it helps to stimulate the motoric nerves which in turn activate even the weakly connected muscles. In this way you burn more calories every second.

Ways to burn up-to 500 calories:

Just wearing brute-suits isn’t enough. To get phenomenal results one must add some high intensity exercises so more muscle group is involved. That muscle group will help you get that 500 calorie goal in one session. Since the sessions are very intense, two sessions per week are a good choice. In order to maximize your results, you can add the following exercises to your routine:


Jumping Jacks





These set of exercises with brute-suits will help you burn your desired amount of calories in less than 4 weeks. Also, you will feel quite active and have a toned body.


In short, brute-suits can help you burn a decent amount of calories in no time. So when you ask yourself how many calories does an EMS suit burns, you answer is 500 calories with the right set of exercise. Also, For the most efficient results it is necessary to consume appropriate diet and it is really important to construct your diet with the right amounts of fat, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. So what are you waiting for, get your suit now from and lets’ get started!

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