EMS Training: High-Impact, Low-Time Fitness

Say “Goodbye” to Lower Back Pain with EMS Training

Say “Goodbye” to Lower Back Pain with EMS Training Are you struggling with lower back pain? A sore back? You are not alone. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), around 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time, and eighty percent of the total population is likely to experience back pain at some time in their lives. Lower back pain is among the most common pain complaints across the globe. Lower back pain does not just make you feel miserable; it can adversely affect your productivity and ability to stay active. While severe lower back should be assessed by a medical professional, there are several things that you can do to improve posture and relieve lower back pain in the long run.

Sit Upright

If your work environment encompasses sitting on the desk all day, you might be hunching over or slouching without realizing it. Slouching makes lower back pain worse. You should arrange your desk and computer height so that you are sitting up straight. Sitting up straight involves;

Aligning your head with your neck.

Keeping your body at about an arm’s length from the computer screen, which should be about 5 to 10cm above your eye.

Keeping your feet flat on the floor, about a should-width apart, with your knees at 90 degrees over your ankles.

Using a chair with excellent back support.

Try a Massage

A massage is a fantastic way to relax and can also work to relieve lower back pain. Research published in different renowned journals such as the International Journal of Neuroscience indicates that massages reduce lower back pain and enable individuals to sleep better. Indeed, most scientists assert that massage combined with exercises is particularly effective in relieving lower back pain. However, if your back is sore and you are in pain, how are you supposed to work out? This is where EMS training comes in.

EMS Training and Lower Back Pain

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) training is a convenient way to lose weight, get into shape, and build strength. The technology is also very effective in reducing lower back pain. EMS is effective in relieving lower back pain with significant improvements in both frequency and intensity of pain. EMS training sends electrical impulses to muscles in the lower back, stimulating and strengthening them. EMS training allows you to build strength in your back’s weak or injured muscles without putting any strain on your joints. The electrical impulses reach deep muscles in your back that cannot be reached with conventional exercises. Through working deep muscles, the technology helps your body strengthen and stabilize your spine and effectively reduce lower back pain.

The EMS bodysuit can be customized to focus on and target the muscles in the sore back in addition to building strength in your supporting muscles such as glutes and your core. EMS training essentially massages and relaxes your muscles in a mere 20-minute session, resolving knots, muscles spasms, and pinched nerves. EMS training has the additional benefit of maintaining and building overall strength and fitness while relieving lower back pain. Ultimately, EMS training gives better results than conventional exercises for the whole body and is an excellent remedial option for lower back pain.

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